Friday, July 5, 2024

Actually moving forward.

Today I Skyped with Lori Conser, the Cover Designer and Copy Editor, and she is starting to make all the corrections needed to get the book in order, and a lot of questions settled. (Size of book, size of font and spacing, quality of paper, etc., etc.I will be self-publishing so I keep all the Royalties. I paid the publisher $9,000 and signed legal agreements.Alejandra is a blessing, knows how to do all the tech details. My blog will be changing soon, as I end up adding a lot of Contacts. I'm making the Blog into a wider set of stories, which I had to remove from the book in order to shorten the length of the book: From now on, the extra stories will just be in the Blog. This is a busy time for me, love, Janice

Saturday, June 1, 2024

One step nearer

Today, Alejandra Forwarded the entire manuscript, with photos, to Sam Henrie, owner of Wheatmark. He will give us an estimate of an invoice for the remaining work on my book done by their consultant. I hope it doesn't take her too long to put all the paragraphs, titles, and page numbers in readable organization. We deleted and deleted till we got the pages down to 395. It'll be interesting to see what she deems worthy enough to keep in the Memoirs. TTYS, Janice

Thursday, May 9, 2024

My other family

On our many trips on the Crystal Symphony, each time we would return from a shore excursion tour, at a different port, the crewman at the bottom of the gangplank would check our passenger ID card and say enthusiastically, "Welcome home!" Made you feel so good. They always referred to the passengers as the Crystal family, and the service was always impeccable without ever verging on the obsequious. What nice memories.

Friday, May 3, 2024

The notice of my move from Canada to Tucson

But it is timre for me to move on to my next "adventure" and to put another pin in the world map on the wall. In September I hope to be established in my new home in Tucson, Arizona, and to be near my family. I will of course continue to make jewelry (how could I NOT? and will develop and expand my Online business. Leaving my beloved Kelowna will be the most difficult move of all the places I have lived in around the world. I hope that, through emails, Facebook, Skype, Twitter, etc., we will all be able to keep in touch and be as close as the nearest computer. I wish my successor in Studio 2O3 the happiness and fulfillment I found there, and I thank all the staff and my fellow artists at the Rotary Centre for the Art for the help and friendship they gave me over these last four years. With all the best wishes for the future, Janice Written in October of 2009.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

New concept

Well, I just finished the revision of the last chapter of my Memoir, and am ready for Alejandra to put all the finishing touches and Photo Numbers on them so I feel like celebrating. Strangely, I also feel a little deflated, which I can't understand. I thought I'd be jumping with joy. Maybe I'll get my confidence back when I see how excited Alej. will be that I completed the Writing. There's still a lot of work for her to do to get the book ready to turn over to the Formatter. The book has an estimated 482 pages, which is way too long, so I don't know what the Formatter will do to get it ready for Print. One thing I'm really happy about was the decision to add extra chapters onto the Blog instead of the Memoir; I'm just as happy to write other "stories" on the blog, for friends to read them. I'll keep you posted on the progress. Love, Janice

Monday, April 8, 2024

New Idea

/while trying to get closer to the Printing phase of my book and being chastised for still trying to add more subjects to the list of Headings, by Ann and Alejandra, I have come up with the idea of writing them out on my Blog. That way, I keep the book reasonable in size and people who are still interested, will see them on the Blog. So, soon you will be reading about the Health Care System in Canada there, instead of a chapter in the book. So, you can put away your whips, Ann and Alej.! Janice

Starting all over again