Monday, July 30, 2018

I'm so sorry for the lack of recent Blogs.  Not what I intended at all when I started one.  But when your printer stops printing, when your modem breaks, when the company supplying the new one never ships it to you, when you finally get it and the installer neglects to activate the telephone setting, when your phone dies for five days, followed by your MedAlert, all the settings on your computer change, the telephone tech doesn't come on the appointment day.  Finally get the telephone on, and the printer goes out again.  Now the phone rings, but the Printer says "Not connected to the Internet..............................You get the picture?

Up to my neck in techsupport calls, online chats, 3-hour tech support calls with three different techies, one dumber that the one before.  And I'm PAYING for all of this!!!

Never mind.  I've been writing chapters for the book, getting them critiqued, and making the revisions.  We're getting there. The next Bio photo may show a woman with totally white hair.  Don't worry.  It's me,

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Starting all over again