Friday, July 31, 2020

Here we go again.

Hello, Everyone!
    After a long hiatus, today I was inspired by my Writers Group to make one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.  I have decided to make a determined effort to finish my book of memoirs, so I'm opening up my Blogpost again as well as a website and will keep you updated weekly as I forge through the potholes of editing and preparing the book for publication.
    To explain my long absence I moved in January 2019 to a new Independent Living Facility, called Atria Valley Manor, after they raised my rent at the old address to $4,000/mo.  In my new place, I am much happier: I have a two-bedroom apartment, ground-floor with huge patio, so it's more like living in my own house again. At $1,000 less per month, what's not to like about THAT!  It's smaller, only 74 residents, the staff is kind, generous and helpful, and the residents well educated with interesting professions.  I intend to start teaching jewelry classes as soon as we don't have to practice social distancing. It's been a long journey to get everything unpacked and organized but I'm beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and hoping it isn't the train coming at me.
    I'm revising already-written chapters, have only a few new ones left to write and add to the large carton next to the computer desk.  I already have a Formatting Expert lined up and the cartoon cover is drawn.  I'm serious.  This time we're going to go through all the steps of writing a book and publishing it, and I will give you clear instructions on everything as it happens.  Cheers!  Janice

1 comment:

Starting all over again