Friday, March 26, 2021

Anecdotes, Bits and Pieces, and Untitled 1, 2, 3 and 4...

...Or: one step Forward, two steps Backward. Marion sent me the revised list of chapters, with the revised chapter numbers in the correct sequence. Except for all the question marks. When I was spontaneously writing new little thoughts I had pertaining to a chapter already written, I just saved it under Anecdotes, or Bits and Pieces. BAD IDEA! Because six months later, you remember having written something on a certain subject, but you can't remember. The Subject, the Reason for adding it, WHERE you added it....GONE. Now you have to read all the little Bits and Pieces over and over again to try to decide which chapter they belong to. That goes for Anecdotes, and especially the longer versions called Untitled 3. What was I THINKING?!? All of this to tell you that the one step Forward means I at least have most of the Titled chapters in reasonably sound sequence. When I get all the question marks identified, Marion says THEN, and ONLY then, can I actually start revising the chapters after I have a long conversation with her as to Content. Sigh...Your impatient Janice

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